View competition rules, the event waiver, the code of conduct, heath & safety expectations and overall event rules. All competitors are responsible to read the event rules as there will be no competitors meeting.
Code of Conduct
Our event is open to everyone regardless of race, age, level of dance, sexual orientation, gender/gender identity, disability, physical appearance, religion, or any other attribute. Our goal is to make the event as fun yet as safe as possible for everyone. We cannot achieve this if we are not aware of safety concerns. Please tell us. We will keep any information confidential. Respect for attendee safety is our first concern. Awareness of any risky situation is helpful so we can better protect you and other guests from any type of harm or injury and allow you to have a fun, carefree event! See the Code of Conduct PDF for details. We have been operating with this code of conduct since 2019.
Swustlicious Waiver (to be signed at the Registration Desk.. My signature below indicates that I agree to hold the organizers of this event and their agents, heirs, and assigns harmless from all suits, claims or demands of every kind and character arising out of and in conjunction with this event arising out of and in conjunction with Sparklage Productions, Swustlicious, Stephanie Risser, and/or Angela McCabe, individually or collectively. I hereby authorize the unrestricted reproduction, sale, exhibition, broadcast, and/or distribution of any event video and photos without limitation. I understand the physical risks of participating in the social dancing, workshops and dance competitions. I assume full responsibility for any injury, illness (including COVID-19), or personal damages resulting from the event named above. This also indicates that I have read and agree to Sparklage Productions Safety Policies and agree to the consequences if I do not follow it. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older. A parent or legal guardian must sign for a minor.
Health & Safety
There are no testing or vaccination requirements for this year.
Masking is optional. For contests, social dancing, and event participation in public or private areas of the hotel, masking is at individual discretion. We support and encourage individuals that choose to wear a mask throughout the weekend to protect yourself, or as a courtesy to those around you.
If you are unable to attend, passes may be sold or transferred.
Email with any changes.
Event Rules
Click here for the Rules PDF.
Event Rules:
Everyone must purchase a (weekend/day) pass to participate in the event.
Wristbands must be worn at all times, and volunteers will be checking bands as you enter event spaces.
Attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone (age 21 or older). The chaperone is responsible for the underage attendee.
Video recording and photography is welcome during all events. Please get permission before posting identifiable videos of others.
Sales of any product or soliciting in the event areas is only allowed with previous event permission.
Waiver Forms:
Every attendee must sign the appropriate waiver and adhere to our code of conduct for the entire event.
Attendees under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign any required forms.
Competitor Eligibility:
Must purchase a weekend pass.
Must sign a waiver (if you are under the age of 18, your parent/guardian must sign).
Must register by entry deadlines.
Must follow individual division guidelines as outlined in the rules below.
Levels may be combined if there are not enough entries (e.g., Newcomer/Nov or Int/Adv).
See Schedule for competition registration deadlines.
Age Requirements:
If ages are specified, they are outlined in the specific qualification for each division.
Competitors must meet age requirement by the event date.
Competitors under the age of 13 are not allowed to compete at this event. All attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
General Info:
There will be no dancers/competitors meeting. All competitors must attend the mandatory roll call 15 minutes before their division and stay in the ballroom.
A minimum number of 5 couples are required to run a division for full prize money to be awarded. If less entries are registered, the division may be combined or cancelled. If division is cancelled, entry fees will be refunded.
All competitors must wear their assigned bib number during all contests. Leaders must wear their bib numbers in the upper back section (between their shoulders); and followers must wear their bib numbers in their lower back section (at approximately hip level).
Jack & Jills:
This is a random partner, random song format. The Jack & Jill competitions are designed to highlight social dance skills in spontaneous dancing and the ability to dance well with a variety of partners.
Competitors enter as individuals, are randomly assigned partners, and dance to music selected by the Competition DJ. Depending on the number of entries, preliminary, semi-final, and final rounds may be held and will be danced in a heated format. Each division must have at least 5 leaders and 5 followers. There is no maximum number of competitors.
Swing Jack and Jill Divisions (leveled):
All Swing Jack & Jills will follow World Swing Dance Council rules. Please refer to their website at
Each competitor must enter his or her appropriate skill level. Please refer to the WSDC rules and points registry to determine your level.
Check your WSDC points BEFORE registering for the J&J competition.
PETITIONS have new rules according to WSDC as of 7/1/24:
For petitions down only (in either primary or secondary role): The chief judge or qualified individuals/committee designated by the Chief Judge may approve or deny the petition after reviewing competitor’s Points Registry record. Petitions down are event-specific and not transferable.
Petitions are available at registration and must be put in at time of check-in at the event or registration for the contest.
For petitions up only -- Petitions must be submitted to the WSDC Chief Judges Committee (“CJC”)_at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the event, along with two (2) videos of the competitor’s dancing. Petitions and videos must be submitted via this link: The CJC may approve or deny the petition after reviewing the competitor’s Points Registry record and videos. Petitions will be approved for six (6) months and are transferrable to other events. Competitors who obtain a point in the higher division will remain in the higher division.
A competitor may enter one WSDC skill level, as leader and one as a follower according to their points. Competitors may not compete in the same level as leader AND follower, you must choose one role.
Masters J&J, an age category, may dance in Masters, Sophisticated, AND one other Skill level. Competitors may not compete in the same age level as leader AND follower, they must choose one role. Roles can change from Sophisticated to Master to skill level.
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-a-ways, and recoveries.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight supported moves (one foot on the ground).
Hustle Jack & Jills (leveled):​
Each competitor must enter his or her appropriate skill level. (Ask if you have any questions on your level.)
A competitor may enter only one level per role. You may compete as a leader AND follower, but not in the same skill or age division (i.e. leader in novice & follower in int., or leader in novice & follower in masters, or leader in sophisticated and follower in masters).
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-a-ways, and recoveries.
No lifts allowed. Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight supported moves (one foot on the ground).
Sophisticated (35+) & Masters (50+) Jack & Jill:
These are age levels, and all competitors may compete in one or both of these in addition to their skill level Jack & Jill.
Sophisticated age level will be 35+ and Masters age level will be 50+.
A competitor may dance in both (if age permits) but must only do one role per division.
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-a-ways, and recoveries.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight supported moves (one foot on the ground).
"Swustle Crossover" Jack & Jill:
This contest is designed to highlight social dance skills in lead/follow dancing in both Hustle and West Coast Swing, and the ability to dance well with a variety of partners. This contest is open to all skill levels.
The competition will be gender neutral, but each competitor must choose one role. (Competitors cannot compete in both roles).
Competitors will be expected to dance one song of West Coast Swing and one song of Hustle, or alternate dances (50/50) mid-song on both songs.
Competitors will be judged on their ability to dance as a team and ability to maintain the characteristics of each dance.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight supported moves (one foot on the ground).
The contest will be judged on Swing & Hustle content and technique, musicality and showmanship. No lifts are allowed.
Winners of the Crossover Jack & Jill will dance with the Pros on Saturday night!
This contest is an All-American contest and is designed to highlight social dance skills in lead/follow dancing in West Coast Swing.
It is open to all levels and all age levels.
Couples will randomly be paired with no regard to level.
The competition will be gender neutral, but each competitor must choose one role. (Competitors cannot compete in both roles).
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight supported moves (one foot on the ground).
The contest will be judged on Swing content and technique, musicality and showmanship. No lifts are allowed.
Prelims and tiebreakers will be held at the chief judge’s discretion.
Couples will be paired randomly and then judged as a couple, so the couple will stay together through all rounds.